Getting angry
Av Ann-Christin Johansson 2005-04-18

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5. Often pist of
Av Anonym 2005-04-29 13:20

I can be really angry somtimes. For exampel: When people say bad things about my friends. Or people that I like. Then I get really angry. Sometimes I get so angry that I could smack them of there faces. Somtimes even do that.
4. Poor you
Av miss angry 2005-04-29 09:08

Sometimes I feel just like you. And I hate to feel angry. Sometimes when I´m angry I feel very silly.
3. angry inside
Av miss angry 2005-04-29 08:55

When I am stressed I get angry really easy and when I see people who acts wrongly or treat other wrong. When I´m angry the best thing to do is to hit something like a wall or a paper. I hate to see people who treat their friends like queens/kings and treat other like shit. It really makes me angry. And if you want to say something bad to somebody don´t do it becuase you will change your mind afterwards.When I get angry at something silly I hold the anger inside and let it come out when I´m home or something.
2. Yes, sometimes..
Av Anonym 2005-04-29 08:54

Yes, sometime. I think you need to control your feelings. And take it easy and be calm. I usually think after why I`m angry and then a can solve the problem. I often get angry when someone doesn`t listen to me or when I have failed on a test, I get angry on my self.
1. often angry...
Av madness 2005-04-28 08:59

I can admit that I get angry pretty often, by different reasons. Big and small ones.
For example; wehen someone acts like they're better that others, people who can't admit being wrong, people who gets grumpy by no particular reason, teachers that doesn't listen or doesn't understand, when people are underrestimating me, etc. Even news are making me angry, 'cause I always find bad ones.
It is also different how sensitive you are from day to day.

I yell alot when I'm angry. Sometimes I feel embarressed afterwards, but it often feels good afterwards.
When I'm not yelling, I'm just trying to ignore the "thing" that's making me upset, just trying to think of something else.
And I also cry sometimes, even if I don't want to.

I think that sometimes you just have to explode and make some noise. Of course you have to try not hurting anyone, even if that person made you really angry.
But it is also good to clean the air.

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