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Crystal Castles and Kap Bambino

Molly Nordangård 2011-12-23

<br />Kap Bambino; Caroline Martial and Orion Bouvier.

Kap Bambino; Caroline Martial and Orion Bouvier.

Crystal Castles and Kap Bambino are two groups who through the years who past been very compared with each other at different internet sites, blogs for example. One of the reasons why they are so compared is their fun, fast electro sounds which both of the duos have in common.

Crystal Castles and Kap Bambino are just two of many electro bands and duos who lately have been very compared with each other. One of the many reasons why is probably because their fast electro sound and their quite extreme concert performing. Both of them were created in the beginning of the millennium (Kap Bambino 2001 and Crystal Castles year 2004). The members of Crystal Castles are Alice Glass (vocals) and Ethan Kath, who also is the producer of the group, from Canada. Kap Bambino's members are Caroline Martial (vocals) and Orion Bouvier, both from France.

Some people enjoy comparing them and telling people the similar things about them both. Other people think that they are two diffrent duos and that they shouldn’t be compared at all.

Kap Bambino’s first actual album “Zero Life, Night Vision” successfully was released during 2006. Their latest album is “Blackist”, which came out in 2008. The group is also known for Caroline’s wild vocals and intesive performances. All of their songs are mixed with her French accent. Other people also believe that Kap Bambino’s sound is quite more childish, but at the same time more fears then Crystal Castles.

A few years later Crystal Castles came with the first big song; “Alice Practice” in 2006 which was recorded "by mistake”. This song was created when Alice Glass would audition in front of Ethan Kath. The song became a big hit and pushed forward the music group in their carrer. Later on the duo released their first album “Crystal Castles” in 2007. They are named after the lyrics “The fate of the world safe in Crystal Castles” and “Crystal Castles source of all authority”, both from the theme song for She-Ra’s fortress from the cartoon show named He-Man and Masters of the Universe.

Crystal Castles got pretty immediate big, while it took another few years for Kap Bambino to be notified of the world. After another few years Kap Bambino caught up, even though Crystal Castles still are quite bigger.

I'm not sure about how I found them. I think I found Kap Bambino first and then, later on, I saw Crystal Castles as recommended artists. Today they are some of the many music groups which I find hard to not like and I would rather not compare them. They are (in my eyes) two music groups who make very diffrent kind of music, but at the same time I can understand why people would compare them.

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