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Alice klass 7 2012-01-15

The soundtrack to the movie "Where the wild things are" is wild. So is the movie. It's based on a children's picture book with the same name, written by the American author Maurice Sendak 1963. The film is directed by Spike Jonze. It's about nine year old Max who runs away from his home and sails to the land Where the Wild Things Are. There, he becomes a king over these hairy, giant beasts.

The soundtrack is created by Karen o and "the kids". Karen was born in November 1978 in South Korea. She grew up in Englewood, New Jersey, and she has commented her childhood: "It's almost embarrassing how well behaved I was, which is probably why I do things like spit water on myself on stage as an adult." She is best known as the front woman for the band "Yeah Yeah Yeahs". I don't know much more about her, I'm not a big fan of her, I just like the soundtrack...

The music in the movie is a bit childish (after all, the book is written for children) with humming and a lullaby feeling and I love it. But it's much more than humming; screaming, cheering and howling and with children's choir singing. After all it sticks out and it makes you want to run around and scream. At the same time it is relaxing in a wild way.

I have chosen the song "Capsize" from the record. It starts with clapping and spelling: "C-A-P-S-I-Z-E all the way home, I'm gonna tilt awhile..." After that comes a verse about Max when he is in the land Where the Wild Things Are; "ohhh, Mamma turned her back on me. Daddy left when I was three..." Then it's a bit with humming and at last the spelling again. It's kind of a mix with both lullaby feeling and wildness and it's really fun if you ask me. It describe the feeling of just run away and forget all your troubles; "...Keep my sorrows in the sand. I see water, I see land!"

Max troubles are not clearly showed in the movie, but the song tell us about Max dad who
left and how hard it can be to be a child. He (or actually, it's Karen) also sing "I won't need them any more". Just leave everything behind and go into the wild. It sounds kind of relaxing, but anyway, you'll probably return in the end, homesick. Just like Max.

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