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A trip in a pink caravan

Freja Seihine 2012-12-12

Bild:Photo: Freja Seihine


It was early in the morning and the sun had just passed the horizon. Me and my classmates were standing on the school yard with our families waiting for the pink bus to arrive. Everybody greeted each other and talked to each other, asking about their suitcases. “How can you fit all your stuff in that small bag?!” “That's a very pretty suitcase, where did you get it?” When the bus showed up we all hugged our parents goodbye and soon we sat comfortably on our seats ready to discover the world. Before we even had left Sweden the bus was already covered in chips crumbs and candy paper. When we arrived in Berlin we had the choice to sleep in a tent on top of the bus or sleep inside. Of course I chose sleeping on top of the bus when it was as dirty as it was inside. Everybody were so tired after the bus trip so we went to bed early the first night, almost directly after we arrived to the camp.

How did we travel?

First we went down to Malmö, there we by boat took us to Denmark. In Denmark we took a longer ferry-ride to Germany where we would settle the first three nights, in Berlin.


1st day in Berlin

It was ice-cold the first morning we woke up, but you could still feel in the air that it would be a hot day. Ulf came and woke us up “Good morning class nine, let’s wake up! It’s going to be a beautiful sunny day” he said loudly. It didn’t take long for me to wake up, I was so excited for the day, but I didn’t look forward to go into the unclean bathroom though. Now when it wasn’t dark outside I could finally see what the camp looked like. There was a great lawn with some swings and trees. One small building with toilets, showers, a kitchen and some tables outside. We ate our breakfast, fixed us and left the camp. Just 3 minutes from the camp we took a bus in to the city. We spent the day in town. We went on a bicycle tour around Berlin, shopped and ate at a nice Indian restaurant.

The bicycle tour

The sun was hot, really hot. We sat sweaty outside Berlins bicycle tour center and waited for the guide to come. Suddenly a young man appeared. "Hello guys how are you? My name is Tom and i'm your guide today" he said with a British accent. Tom was a tall, slim man with blond curly hair. Well some say he had red hair, but I remember him with blond hair. He was a really good guide. You could clearly hear everything he said and he had a good sense of humour, everybody loved him. He gave each one a bicycles and we started to cycle around the lovely city.

The tour was so much funnier then what I’d expected and it was very instructive, I learned a bunch of new stuff I didn't know before.

After we had cycled around Berlin we had some free time. Me and some other girls went shopping. For me the shopping mall was a dream. Six whole floors with just make up and clothing, I was so lucky. After a while the class united again and we all went to the restaurant.


2nd day in Berlin

The second day wouldn’t be as sunny as the first. It was cloudy and sometimes it drizzled, but later in the afternoon the weather became quite beautiful. This day we went to a Stasi museum. No one really thought it was so interesting, everybody just longed to the next round in the city of Berlin and to see the Berlin wall.

When we were finished at the museum we had to fix our own lunch. Me, Hanna and Frida went to a small pizzeria. If we would know that it would be pizza for dinner as well I guess we wouldn’t choose pizza for lunch, but it was OK they tasted so different anyway. While digesting our pizzas we took a little walk round to some shops and then we met the rest of the class at the Berlin wall. Everybody took photos and wrote their names at the Berlin wall. Everyone was really tired when we sat on the subway on our way back to the camp. And when we were back we all fell asleep quickly.

I think Berlin was a really nice city. Everyone should visit Berlin at least once in a lifetime. There were lots of cool buildings and many stores I’ve never seen before. You could still clearly see what has been west and East Berlin. “West Berlin” looked more “American” while the “eastern” part looked more communistic, grayer and less shops.

The third day we were on our way on the roads again, but this time the goal was Prague.



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