Lördagen den 27 juli 2024 - klockan 20:39
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Little Nightmares

Elias Jadefrid 2017-10-16

Little nightmares is a video game that you can play on Xbox One and Playstation 4.
It came out April 28, 2017. It's a very difficult game. You die dying and can start from a checkpoint. It can be very scary sometimes and hard.

You are on a boat and you have to fly. Man there are monsters trying to eat one. One can die of hunger as well. The monsters are huge and you are a giant girl trying to fly.

It's a great game. I'm playing it too.

Tarsier Studio has done a great job with the game.

Tarsier Studios was founded in Karlshamn in 2006.
Dave Mervik, Narrative Designer, who has answered my questions.

How did you come to the game and what did you think of?
Ever since we have made games, we have always wanted to make a game like this, we just never got the chance before!
We thought of how we used to feel when we were children. How the world felt so big and strange and scary and funny, and we tried to make our game feel the same.
How long did it take to make the game?
It took us about two years
Who thought it would be called little nightmares and how did you decide it would be called little nightmares?
We can’t remember! :) We all wrote down lots of ideas - probably hundreds - and then we all decided which one felt the best.
In which country or city did it come out?
It’s out all over the world (we think!), but it was made right here in Malmö!
Are there things you are not satisfied with?
We’re never satisfied! There are always things we would like to make even better, but we need to let our games escape the studio or nobody would ever get to play them!
What are you extra satisfied with?
We love seeing all the Little Nightmares-themed costumes when we visit the videogame shows! It feels like we’re seeing Six everywhere we look!

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3. meeloun http://www.hotessay.net/our_service5.php 2024-07-01
2. Love this game!!!!! Love this game 2021-10-15
1. Roligt Love 2017-10-23

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