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My Favourite Team In England


Hello my name is Michael. This my story about the best team in England. I’m 14 years old. I am from Sweden. I think that Liverpool is the best team because they have got so many great players.

My Favourite Team In England

Liverpool is my favourite team in England. I think that it is very good team. Maybe Chelsea is better but they are a little bit mad because they bought players for hundreds of millions. Liverpool is one of the best team in England. It is just Manchester United and Chelsea who is better.
They have got one of the most famous midfielders Steven Gerrard. He is the captain of Liverpool. Rafael Benitez is the coach. He was the coach in Valencia before ha came to Liverpool.

Champions league

The last season they became 4th in the Premier Leauge. And Chelsea won the premier league. Liverpool won the champions league last season. It was a miracle Milan was in the lead with 3-0 in half time. But Liverpool did an amazing job. They won the match on penalties because it was 3-3 after full time. But Milan Schevschenko had an amazing chance when the goal keeper (Jerzej Dudek)
took the ball from him. Liverpool was the best team in the Champions league. And Milan was too sure that they would win the match. And then Liverpool scored 3 goals.
So Liverpool has a very good history. And they will just be better because now they are starting to buy good players.
So they will have a great future.


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