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Hello from Ida

Ida 7A 2006-03-01


Hello! My name Is Ida Nilsson and I am 12 years old. And now I am going to talk a little about myself.

My school is fun because I can do more things here then I could in my other school that I had before. In this school we can choose subjects like Maths, English, French, Swedish, Technology, Woodwork, Needlework, Biology, P.E, Art & Physics. We could only choose Swedish, English and Maths in my other school. But there are some subjects that I don’t like, it is Maths and Physics. Before we didn’t get reports but now we do and it’s fun. But it is most fun to work when you have good reports. And I hope I have that. But I think so. In school in the break we play cards and pool. And of course I have some friends that I meet every day in my school. They are Sarah, Anni, Amanda & Malin.

Some of us play different ball games. Sarah plays football, Anni & I play floorball, Malin plays music and it’s violin but Amanda doesn’t do any sports she is pretty lazy. I have put in a picture on floorball so you can se what it is. It’s like ice hockey but it isn’t on ice it’s on a floor. The team that Anni and I play has won a league! We used to win so much so therefore we have started to play with those that are one year older than us. I think that we are third. We are also playing floorball in school sometimes in the PE and we play a lot of other stuff. This was all from me. Bye bye from me. Write me back.

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