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About Sweden

Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-03-02

Varied country


Sweden is a very varied country with many different kinds of nature. It offers many beautiful coasts, large forests, flat countries but also high mountains. There are also many lakes and small rivers here. In the countryside you can find many red wood cottages with “whispering birches” around them. Many citizens’ dreams are to owe a summer cottage and many Swedes realize this dream. How is the natural scenery at yours?

Small country

Sunset at Öland and Möllstorp.
Sunset at Öland and Möllstorp.

Sweden is a small country with 9 million people. The area is 450 000 sq. km. and half of that area is forest. Only 8 % of the land is cultivated. The southern parts of Sweden are quite flat but the further north you go the more hills and mountains are there. Our country is a sparsely populated country. There are just about 20 people in every square kilometre. What about your country?

Right of common access

View from the castle of Kalmar.
View from the castle of Kalmar.

We have something called the “right of common access”. Everyone has right to roam freely in forests and meadows without asking the land owner. You may also pick berries, flowers and mushrooms wherever you want. In all other countries in Europe the land belongs to the owner and even the flowers and the berries that are growing there. So this right is a bit unique for Sweden, isn’t it? Do many people spend their leisure time out in the countryside in your country?


Öland and Möllstorp.
Öland and Möllstorp.

Sweden has four seasons. Just now it is winter and we have still some snow. All people are now waiting for spring to come. In our country there is a great difference between summer and winter when we talk about the daylight. At Christmas time it is very dark up here. That is a bit depressing. At that time I would like to go away to a sunny beach somewhere in the southern hemisphere. But on the other hand the summers are bright and lovely. At Midsummer it is only dark for some hours and up in the north it is never dark at that time. We call it the “midnight sun”. How is the climate in your country? How is the weather right now?

If you want to learn more about Sweden, please visit:

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