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My Idol

Josefin 7B 2006-03-16

My idol is Daniel Radcliffe. He’s sixteen years old and a very famous actor. His parents are the actor Alan Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham.

He has two Border terrier called Binka and Nugget. The music Dan usually listens to is punk rock and his favourite bands, singers are: David Bowie, Sex Pistols, Arctic Monkeys, Johnny Rotten etc. Dan has been acting young wizard “Harry Potter”, for four films and he’s right now filming the fifth film. A new film, which Daniel’s in, is “December Boys” where he plays a boy called Map, who has lost his parents and is waiting to be adopted. The film is on cinema summer 2006.

Dan has been appointed to the richest teenager in Great Britain and one of the richest teenagers in the world and his fortune is about 40 millions pounds. Daniel came on the 65:th place on the list over the sexiest man in the world of 2005. Dan’s birthday is on the 23:th July. Daniel is 1,73 m, has blue eyes and brown hair. Daniel has no brothers or sisters and he goes in a boarding school for boys in London. His home is in Fulham, a suburb in the southwest of London. In his spare time he usually plays the guitar or is with friends, he also likes to read. He has visited a lot of countries, for example: Australia, South Africa, Sweden, etc. He likes football very much and his favourite team is Fulham FFC.

Amazing actor

I like Daniel because he’s an amazing actor and seems to be down-to-earth and nice. Daniel has donated much money to children with autism and to a hospital for children with cancer, Demelza house, which he also supports. Daniel has also acted in a few TV-series and films, for example: The tailor of Panama and David Copperfield, where he had the leading part as young David Copperfield. Dan’s favourite food is every sort of fish and his biggest dream is actually to learn how to cook. Daniel has said that if he could have one magical power, he would choose to be invisible. Actually he studies magic on his spare time and he’s specially good at card tricks. His favourite book is “The hitch-hiker’s guide to the galaxy” and if he only could choose among the Harry Potter books he would choose the third one, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. His favourite Harry Potter film is the fourth, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Daniel’s idol is the actor Gary Oldman who played Sirius Black, Harry Potter’s godfather, in the films. I’m looking forward too see Daniel’s coming films and, hope that he will keep on acting because he has a clear talent and he’s the best actor I’ve ever seen.

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