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Optional time


Optinal time!
Av Dajana M
2006-02-17 11:43

I like the optinol time it is good. The good thing is that you can choose what you want and I havent got anything bad to say about the optional time. I learn much better when we have opitonal time because it is better to work with those things you choose uour self.I lerarn best when I work at the compjuter(and when I work self and with friends)

Optional time
Av Bettan
2006-02-10 11:48

I think optionaltime is good, because you can choose subjects you have problems with.
For example if you think that English is difficult you can chose to work wite English more often. I learn better when i don´t have optional time. Because everu body work with the same stuff.
And then i can put focus more on the lesson. But i like to have optional time because you meet youre friends or find new friends from other classes.

Optional Time
Av Cajsa 7 D
2006-02-10 11:42

What I like with optional time is that i can choose what lesson I want. I can work with other students from other classes!

Optional time
Av William Kinberg
7D 2006-02-10 11:40

Optional time
I think that is very god to have Optional time. The good things with it are that we learn to take responsibility. I also learning much better when I can choose by my self I learn best when I have fun.

optional time
Sudent grade7
 2006-02-10 10:30

I think that optional is good. On the optional you can choose what you want and need. That is good. The bad things about optional time is that the students think they can miss one lesson and tell the teacher that they are on one lesson that they don't have. They think they can choose the easiest lesson and maybe don't have any Maths in the whole week. But the teachers see and hear more than that kind of students think and catch them when they are doing something bad.

Optional time
Student grade 7
 2006-02-10 10:08

I think optional time is good because we can decide on our own what learn more about. The bad that some kids learn anything in these lessons. And that’s not good. I would say that I learn more on optional time I would lie because I learn the same on every lesson.

optional time!
Av Sarah 7b
2006-02-10 10:04

I think optinal time is really good! Because then you can choose the subjects you don´t have so much and something you think is fun. Like English fore example, we have just two ordinary lessons in one week, that we always have. And I think that´s too little. The bad thing aboout it is that you not always get what you want. I think I´m learning best when I do diffrent things and when I think it´s fun. It doesn´t matter if it´s the odinary time or optinal time. I´m for the optinal time.

Optional time
Av Anni
2006-02-10 10:04

Good things: We learn to take responsibility, we can do things we are not so good at and practise more. We can do other things than we work with in the ordinary books.
Bad things: The teacher is not always in the classroom because he/she can be in the computer room. And it can be very noisy. I like it if I know what I have to do. I learn best when it is quiet in the class room and when everybody does the same thing.

Optional time
Av Albin Svensson
2006-02-10 09:59

I like that we have many teachers and we hameet other students during these lessons. The the bad thing is that it could be noisy sometimes in these lessons. I don´t learn better in optional time, but I don´t work worse either.

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