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A school of my dreams


A school at my dreams
Av Zlata Omerovic
2006-02-17 11:48

It should be that nobody should need to be alone and it should be 20 big classrooms and it should be orange in all classrooms and everybody should have fun and work. I would like to chane that all children should be together. Nobody should bully anybody else. We schould begin school at 10 o'clock and end the lessons at 17 o'clock. Everybody should be with everybody. The break should be longer than 10 minutes. I want that everybody is nice to each other. It is not allowed to eat candy in the lessons but you can eat chewing gum in the lesson and that is my dream school.

A school of my dreames.
Av Emma O 7D
2006-02-10 11:45

1. The teacher should lissen more at the students.
2. Candy and MP3 in the lesson.
3. Start laterand finish later.

My Dream School
Av 7 grader
 2006-02-10 10:23

My dream school should just be from 8:00 to 11:00 and would have nice colour on the walls and many pictures too. And every person should be nice to it shudder. That its my dream school.

The shool of my dreams
Av Student grade7
 2006-02-10 10:20

In the school of my dreams I should be able to decide my own food everyday. We also should have at lest ten minutes break after all lessons. And we should be able to plan our own timetable. In the classrooms it should be mush space and fresh air. That would be the school of my dreams.

A school in my dreams...
Av student grade7
 2006-02-10 10:06

1. A school in my dreams is luxurious and have beatiful things.
2. Everybody should be nice and happy all the time.
3. School should start at ten o´clock and end at three o´clock.
4. Have nice food!

A school of my dreams
Av student grade7
 2006-02-10 10:06

A school in my dreams is luxurious and have beutiful things. Everybody should be nice and happy all the time. The School should start at ten o´clock and end at three o'clock. The school should have nice food.

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