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Responses to the school in Sweden!

Nicholas Retter 2006-03-29

Hi I’m I come from Australia and these are some answers to the Questions you sent us:

In my spare time I like to play computer games read, go ice-skating, bike riding and to watch TV. I watch programs on the ABC (TV station) like Doc Martin, The Bill, The Bill, Spicks and Speaks, Poirot, the Glass House, Little Brittan and the New Inventers. I also like going to the pool with my friends.

We spend 6 hours at school and this is separated in to 6 periods (classes that go for 45 minutes) we also have an hour and 20 minutes for lunch. but if you are in a musical group and play sports like I do you can spend anything up to 8 hours at school. I do a lot of music I play the Double Bass, The Violin and I also do a lot of singing as well as my sports rugby, Sailing, rowing, running. Rugby is a game were we use an oval shaped ball to score a way of scoring is putting the ball on the try line 5 points and you can get another 2 points by kicking the ball through the posts this game is a game were you are allowed to tackle or deck opposing players to defend your try line.

We go to school 5 days of the week Monday to Friday and in my opinion we get far to much homework up to 3 hours a night this dose not include reading and this can bring the total time to 4 hours. Our next holidays are at Easter and they will go for two week’s and then we come back to school for second term and winter. There are about 22 boys in my class and this is about the average size of a class for a good school in Australia some schools how ever can have up to 30 students in a class.

I have never tried sledge running because I have never been to the snow (the mountains during winter) because it is to expensive and it doesn’t get cold enough in the lower altitudes for snow.

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