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Student 7 grade 2006-04-04

Looking at the picture from when we first met
You gave me a smile that I would never forget
And nothing could protect me from you that night.
But like the wind, the time goes by.
But near, far where ever you are
I just want you to know, that I have fighting to let you go.
Some days I make I trough and then there’s nights that never ends
When our memories visit me, when I reveal myself thinking of you.
Again and again. I cant help it, cant help be loving you.
I’m trying to move ahead,
But my dreams are empty from the day, you slipped away.
I have hide my feelings for you, but now its time to let you know
Let the truth be told, the truth about me.
Me. The girl that loves you.
The girl that every day. Every night. Remember you.

Do you really wanna be like them?

Do you really wanna be like them?
Do you really wanna act like them?
Do you really wanna lose yourself for them?
People change, some for the better, some for the bad.
Some people find them self, some people lose them self.
I can se, that you running out.
You going crazy, just to be like them.
Like everybody else.
The small things that makes you unique,
Are now gone. Just like you.
But before you go I want to ask you.
- Do you really wanna be like them?

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