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Letter from Annie


Here in Sweden it is spring now but in the Snowy Mountains in Australia have the first snow flurries been seen..... If you want to learn more about the climate down under, read this letter from Annie (teacher in year 8). Ann-Christin

Dear A-C,
thanks for all the wonderful emails and photos you have sent to us...we will have to do our photos on Wednesday as I am away from school tomorrow at a conference. I promise to take my camera to school on Wed. and get the photos straight onto the web for you. At the moment you are unable to access our intranet due to log-on restrictions etc. However, I can create a blog site for you to view our pictures and comments made by the students. I will get that organised this evening....
It is definitely getting colder (well for us it is getting colder!) We had just 2 deg c this morning and we have had a few snow flurries in the Snowy Mountains not far from where we live. Of course, for people like myself who just love to ski, that is very exciting, but for many, the end of summer is a sad time!! Even in the winter, it's not too bad here - although we get a real winter here, not like many parts of Australia that really don't have a winter at all. We can have mornings of -7 fairly often,(but only in the real middle of winter) but then we always have a beautiful clear, sunny day...having the sunshine makes a huge difference. We occasionally get snow here in Canberra, but it usually doesn't settle for more than a few hours. Everyone gets very excited when it does snow!!
I will try to get a short webcam activity with you before you finish up for your Easter break but if we can't manage it, we can do it when we come back to school at the beginning of May - will that be okay with you? I will check the time difference this evening and look at how we can make it work. I have connected myself to Skype - go to and register yourself - it's a good alternative to MSN if we are unable to use that.
We'll do something so that our students can have a chat and see one another.
When are you actually leaving for your holiday in the sun? I hope you have a fabulous deserve it after a winter in your location!
Please say hello to all the students from us...
best wishes,
Annie and year 8 English

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