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Hello everyone

Corey Thomson 2006-04-05

My name is Corey Thomson I am 14 years old and I live in Canberra, Australia I have three brothers a sister and a half sister.
My hobbies are Motocross and horse riding every weekend I go a farm it’s an hours drive from Canberra its 240 acres I have 60 head of cattle and four horses and my Dad, brother and I are always out looking after them.
Any free time I have I’m on the back of my horse galloping through the paddock or driving up and down the hill on my Yamaha TTR125.
My mothers name is Liz my dad’s name is Peter and my brothers are Shane 16 , Damien 9 and Lucas 6 and my sisters name is Rachel and she is 12.
My best friend is Michael although he goes top a different school to me I enjoy Canberra Grammar I especially enjoy Maths. My school day starts at 8:55 – 3:25 so each day is six and a half hours, out of the seven days in the week we go for five Monday to Friday and during that week I have thirty lessons six per day.
The amount of homework that we get depends on day we are supposed to do 15 mins for each subject so 1hour and 15mins per night.
I know that you probably play with snow but after all this time do you still enjoy it, me I have never been to the snow so I have never been sledge running and my next holiday is in four weeks th3e Easter holidays.

Best Wishes
Corey Thomson

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