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Dear Emma

Christina 2006-05-15

Hi my name is Christina and I’m 11 years old. I will like to share some things about my home Newark, New, Jersey and also about me. I go to Sussex Ave School and I’m in fifth grade .My favorite subjects are Reading, Writing, and Math .My favorite holidays are Christmas, New Years, and Thanks giving. My favorite foods are spaghetti and fried chicken.

In my city we have 82 schools. Many libraries, shops, restaurants, and movie theaters. We also have a skating rink, New Jersey Performing Art Center, a museum, and a New Jersey Bears baseball stadium. Also, we have a Branch Brook Park where children go to have fun. My favorite place is the pool. In the summer, people go there to swim. In my school we have a lots of thing that you can join. Like singing in the school choir, dance workshop, cheerleading, and other stuff. But for me I join the cheerleading. In Sweden, do you have a favorite subject? Or do you have some club in your school that you can join? What kind of dances do you all do in Sweden? Do you go on to trips to see all kind of performance and different things? In my city we have a lots of big buildings, and I live in one. I have eight sisters, and three brothers. But I live with my grandmother. I have lots of cousin. I love to bake and cook. Also, I love to draw, and write stories. I’m very friendly, and I love people. I will like to come Sweden to see you and your family.
It is going to be a pleasure writing you.


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