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Dear Katie

Tyshonna and Natashia 2006-09-24

How are you today? How is the weather in Sweden? I made it back in good shape. I had a fun time in Sweden and I miss you very much. I think about you more often than I think about our school. I hope t hat you and I can keep in touch.

If you are wondering what I’m doing, I am daydreaming about you right now. I was wondering when are you coming to Newark to visit me? I was thinking maybe if you and I can go out on a little date.

I’m always bragging about you to the kids. They said that you sound very nice and if you come to Newark that they would be happy to show you around.

Katie the kids were so happy to hear about you that one of them even said that they will be really excited to see you if you come up here.

Katie, I was thinking about coming to visit you again next year. The kids and I really got along well and some kids were very polite to me and I really enjoyed my visit.

Katie I have to leave now because I am on my way to San Paulo, Brazil. I love you and I miss you.

Yours truly,

Socks (Tyshonna and Natashia)

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