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The Summary of Bristol Murder

Viktor 2007-03-21

It all started with Peter and it was a normally morning and he should drive a lorry from Manchester to Bristol. It was his work for the coming week. Peter is tall, he has dark hair and he has brown eyes. Peter is a lorry driver and he is going to drive from Manchester to Bristol. When Peter is in Bristol, he sees a young boy running on the street. It was a boy and his name is John and he is 16 years old and he has brown eyes and brown hair.
Peter catches him up and John looks nervous.
John tells Peter a story, where John is running from his uncle.

John does that because his uncle was murdered.
And John tells that the police are looking for him, but John says he hadn`t killed his uncle.
And now Peter wanted to find the murder.
Peter understands that the police didn`t trust John`s story, if he was to tell the police.
Then Peter was going to talk to an old friend.
His name is Jeff Beck. He is of medium height and has blue eyes.

Jeff Beck tells that he didn`t know much about this murder, but he gives Peter a clue. Peter was going to talk to a man whose name is Bob Steel.
So, Peter and John drive to Bob Steel and he has no job, but he earns money, because he sells information about criminals and robberies.
Bob Steel didn`t tell anything useful, but he tells the police that John is in this area. The police arrest John and Peter chases Bob Steel and another man.

The other man was Tommy Logan and when the police arrest them and Peter, was the truth told.. It is Tommy Logan who is the murder.

My thougts
That is what it’s like, I mean everyone thinks it John, but it was Tommy Logan. Everything is not what it look likes.

I like this book very much, because it was easy to read and it always happen things in the book. But in the end of this book, when Tommy Logan turns up, I understand that the murder was Tommy Logan. It was an excellent book.

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