Tipsa en vän om denna artikel:

Global Warming - Optional time

Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-03-26

1. "An Inconvenient Truth"

Write your thoughts about “An Inconvenient Truth”. Write them in your notebook or in a Word doc. and let your teacher mark what you have written before you send it to Torsåsnytt.


2. Are you ready to change the way you live?

- Translate the stencil ”Are you ready to change the way you live” and underline the words you don’t know.

- Make a wordlist of these words.

- You have got some tips how you can reduce your emissions and be more eco-friendly.
Which of these statements are you ready to start with?
Pick out some of them and write them down into your notebook.


3. Some things you can start with

- Answer the article Small steps make big differences.

- Write down “some things you can start with” in school or/and at home.
Write in your notebook or in a Word doc. and ask your teacher to mark it before you send it to Torsåsnytt:


4. Reduce your impact at home

- Read the statements and underline the words you do not know.
Click here

- Make a wordlist of them.

- Make at least 10 interview questions with help of the statements:
      Ex. Do you use regular light bulbs or energy-saving light bulbs at home?
Do you move your thermostats down 2º in the winter and up 2º in the summer?

-  Ask these questions at home. Show your teacher what you have learnt and be prepared to give a report in your English class.

Publish your interview here


5. Make interview questions for people in Torsås

- Who are you going to interview? About what?

- Make some interview questions in Swedish that are about Global Warming and pollution of our environment.

- Make the interview (in Swedish).

- Translate the interview into English.

Publish your interview here


6. Articles about climate change issues

- Read articles about climate change issues.

- Make a summary of the article or sum it up like this:

  Did you know that ....

Publish your summary here


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