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Are you ready to change the way you live?

Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-03-26

The climate crises can be solved. We can all help to reduce the carbon emission. Are you ready to start? Which of these recommendations are you willing to start with?

Buy energy efficient appliances + light bulbs
Change your thermostats to reduce energy for heating.
Recycle more.
Increase insulation in your home.
If you can, buy a hybrid car.
When you can, walk or ride a bicycle.
Where you can, use mass transit.
Tell your parents not to ruin the world you live in.
If you are a parent, join with the children to save the world they live in.

Switch to renewable sources of energy.
Call your power company to see if they offer green energy.
If they don’t, ask them why.
Plants tree, lots of trees.
Speak up in your community. Send articles to the newspapers.

Join international efforts to stop global warming.
Reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Help farmers to grow alcohol fuels.
Require lower emissions from automobiles.
If you believe in prayer, pray that people will find strength to change.
Learn as much as you can about climate crises. Then put your knowledge into action.

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