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Bristol Murder

Frida 2007-04-17

Bristol Murder

Bristol murder is written by Philip Prowse.The book is about boy and his name is Peter Jones nf he is 22 years old , and he is a lorry driver.One day he got a job to drive up to Manchester.But on his way to Manchester he saw a boy who hitchhikes. Peter stopped and took him up. The boy´s name is John Stevens and he is 16 years old and he comes from Bristol. The same morning Peter had heard that the police are looking after a boy around 16 years old . He was suspected for the murder of his uncle. But early that day Peter Learnt that the police are looking after John.Peter and John Become became very good friends , and Peter had decided t to help John to found the murder.Because it was not John , John escaped that night because he and his uncle had a fight. Tht is because the police believe that John is the murder.Durning the time Peter and John look for the murder who killed John´s uncle , it happened many things on tht way.
I like the book very much, because it was exciting from the beginning to the

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