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Bristol Murder

Elisabeth B 2007-04-17

Peter livied whit his mother. He is working to universal Transport Ltd. Peter was goning to Manchester this day. When Peter was driving to Manchester sow he sow a boy how is was standing beside of the road. Peter was stopped and the boy jumped in to the lorry. He told peter that his name was John. When peter and john came to Manchester said peter that he was going to meet some friends but that john couldn’t come whit him. you can take a walk here in town. Peter said to john that they are going to meet outside the shop at ten O´Clock toningt.John was going to the cinema. When he was standing there he saw two boys who stood there smoking and tried to look grown up.He saw a girl who was standing all alone and she looked) at her watch all the time. John went to her and asked if she wanted to go in to the cinema? Yes please she said but I don´t hope that steve is going to be angry with me now. John asked who Steve was ? It is my boyfriend. Okey John said. My name is John be the way john said. Okey my name is susan she said. They went in to the movie because the movie had alredy started.

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