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Bristol Murder

Albin 2007-04-17

Bristol murder

The main characters in Bristol murder are Peter and John. Peter is 22 years old. He lives at home with his mom. Peter is working as a lorry driver. His father is dead.
John is 16 years old. His mother and father are dead. John lives with his uncle Robert Stevens.

Peter was going to Manchester with biscuits. When he drpve through Bristol he saw a hitch hicker. It was John. Peter picked him up in the lorry and John said that he was running from home. On his way to Manchester they went to a café. Peter read in a newspapper that a boy had murdered his uncle. Peter said that they had to drive now. John asked if he could sleep somewhere. Peter said that he could do that in the back of the lorry. After a while a police stopped the lorry and asked if Peter had seen a boy on the run. Peter said no but the police wanted to check the back of the lorry. When they checked there they didn’t find John. John had hidden under some rugs. When John woke up Peter showed the newspapper to him. John said that he didn’t kill his uncle he only hit him.

In Manchester Peter said that he was going to visit some friends and deliver the biscuits. While Peter did that John went to a cinema. He met a girl there. She was waiting for her boyfriend. But he never showed up so the girl and John went in to the cinema. After the movie John and the girl who was called Susan went out. John said that he should buy cola. When he came back Susan stood there with a boy. It was Susan’s boyfriend and he didn’t like that she waited for him so he got angry with Susan and John. When Peter and John met they went to Peter’s friend. He said that they had to drive home and meet a man called Bob Steel. At home they met Bob. He wanted money to give information about the murder. They paid Bob Steel for getting information. But he didn’t say so much he only told that a young boy had murdered John’s uncle. Peter and John saw Bob and annother boy called Peter Logan. When Logan and Bob saw Peter and John they started to run. At the end of the story Peter drove his lorry after Bob’s and Peter’s motorbike. Peter’s and Bob’s motorbike crashed. The police came and arrested them both. I am not going to tell which of the boy who murded John’s uncle.

I think the book was very good because English is fun to read. The characters in the book was very good. And it was exciting because I didn’t now who had killed John’s uncle untill the end of the book. But sometimes the book was little confused.

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