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Write about body and soul

Ann-Christin Johansson 2007-09-09

What to do with a health freak? What is school like today and how about creating a new school? Is it important to have a beautiful body?

Help! My brother/ sister is a health freak
What is life like with a brother/sister who’s got nothing but health on his/her mind?

Many students feel over-stressed
What is school like today? Do you often feel hard pressure in school? What things make you feeling stressed? What can be done to improve work in school without loosing time and efficiency (=effektivitet)?
Write an article about how you feel about school and give some good advice on how to improve it.

My dream school
Sometimes you probably think that life in school is boring. Let say you got the chance to create a quite new school where all students felt happy and learnt a lot without feeling over-stressed. What would “your school” look like?

How important are looks?
Some people spend a lot of money in order to feel good or look good and others think it is uninteresting or unnecessary. Write your views on this subject. Maybe there are many other qualities (=egenskaper) that are more important than having a beautiful body and face.

Plastic surgeries are mad
People spend so much money these days having plastic surgeries done to make their boobs bigger and to loose weight. Isn’t that stupid? What do you think? The only time I could imagine having a beauty surgery (=skönhetsoperation) done is if I was born with a cleft palate (=kluven gom) or some other facial traumas. Are there any situations when you might pay thousands of money on reconstructing your body/face?
Why aren’t people happy with their looks? Why do some people think it is very important to look good and to have a perfect body? Isn’t it your inside that matters?

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