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Hi Poland!

Viktor L 2008-02-06

My name is Viktor and I’m 16 years old. I’m going to tell you a little about Sweden about our school and what young people are interested in, in Sweden. In Swedish school it’s very slack, if you compare it with other schools in the world.
School here is free, that means that you do not pay for it.
Lessons are also very slack, but our school trains the students to take own responsibility for their work. It means that the pupils are responsible for what they learn.
Teachers give students the chance, but it’s up to themselves to take the chance.
If students work hard, they have a good chance to get a great job in the future.
I think students in Sweden are very lazy, and at least 20 students talk about they feel pressure in school. But I’ don’t agree at this. If you only plan well, the school isn’t a problem.

The young people are doing a lot of things here. They train soccer and floor ball for example. But there are also lot of young kids in Sweden, that sit at the computers. I play a game that is very cool. It’s “Counter-Strike”. Have you heard about it? Another thing that they do is to learn how to do own websites. I have build my own website. But you can do more, for example do a websites that do so you can have username and login for example. This is called PHP/MySQL and this are for the people that wants dynamic websites. In Sweden is it very few as know how to do it. And it’s very funny if you know how you do.
How is it in Poland? Are there many to know how to build websites?

The old people in Sweden like to read books, talking to each other and to play golf.
Every young in Sweden should show respect for the older ones. Every time I see an old man or woman, I start to think about what they had done in their lives. The new generation in Sweden is a bit lazy, but it’s the older ones that had start to made them lazy. When the computer came into our lives, everyone started to play games, instead being out in the fresh air.

But we, the youths, have another big problem. “The Climate”.
The new generation must do something about this and save our world. This is, what I think, the biggest problem in the world for the moment.
If it goes like this, the world will turn off some day and humans won’t exist anymore. It’s important that everyone do something, every little thing, counts.
We can stop to let the lamps on when we work and are in school, we could turn off our computer when we not use them, and much, much, much more.
Can you describe another big problem in the world?

Thanks for reading!

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1. Poland Anonym 2008-02-16

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