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One moment in my life

Thommy S )D 2008-02-08

I have decided to write about a thing that happened to me last summer. Well it all started with that I had been bating with a couple of friends down in Djusvik. And as I was driving home I decided to take a little dirt road as a shortcut, plus that this was way more fun. But you know a 15 year old boy on a moped would usually drive quite mad, but I took it calm. Because I knew that the farmers nearby used this road and the last thing I wanted to do is to crash into a tractor or a harvester. But when I came to the end of the road I knew that it were two narrow curves and another narrow uphill. So I decided to give it a little extra gas and when I came around that first narrow curve I saw something terrible thing. It came two ladies cycling down the hill. They cycled next to each other so I realized that I would hit them. And then it just said bang. And this whole story ended with me laying in bed for 2-3 days because I landed on my hip and she got five stitches on her left arm.

And now I’m going to write what happened in the crash and a little more detailed about what happened after. Well the one I crashed with flew over the bars and smashed into the ground. And the other one manged just fine. But when I managed to get on my feet again she was the one who were angry. And the one I crashed into she were calm, but in a great shock. But she were also nice to me. Asking me if I got hurt, or if the moped were damaged. The one I didn’t crashed into just hissed at me and was very irritated. And she most stupid comment I’ve ever heard. This might as well have been our fault as yours. I mean if she is biking on my side of the road, who’s fault was it?

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