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My first electric guitar

Fredrik Jansson 9D 2008-02-10

One big moment in my life was when I got my first electric guitar. I’d been saving my money from Christmas and my birthday. For many weeks I had been to Kalmar and just been standing there and looking at that guitar. I also tested it some times. It was so nice and I wanted it so much. So in January, my dad and I went in to Kalmar to get some celephone stuff fixed. He told me he was going to fix some stuff a few blocks away, so he went. And I just walked around in the town visiting some clothe-stores and so on. Later on my dad called me and said we’d meet at the car, and when I got there he was already there. So I stepper in to the car, and there it was, the new guitar I’d always wanted! It was just standing therein the seat next beside me. I got so happy! I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t say a thing. I was just so happy! That was what my father went and fixed, my new guitar! That was one of the best presents I’ve ever got! I still play a lot on it and I think it’s very good! That was one big moment in my life that I remember very well!

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