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One moment in life

Elisabeth Gerhardsson 9D 2008-02-10

One summer me and my friends Amanda and Sofie, went
to the beach for a swim and to have fun.
We jumped from the diving towers and had a great day.
We met some other friends and bought some candy and lots of ice cream. After that we were broke.
But we didn’t care about the money, we only wanted to have fun. At the afternoon Sofie thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to dive.
Well, it wasn’t a good idea. I’m so bad at that, and I really don’t care if I can or can’t dive. It’s just not my thing to do. Instead I sat on the bridge and watched Amanda and
Sofie diving. They were great. But one time when Sofie dive in-to the water she didn’t come up.
It was just for a few seconds, but in that time you can get really nervous. I know I did. When she came up from the water it was like a relief in my body.
But when she climbed up the bridge we saw that her hand was cut up! I remember that we took a towel around her hand, to stop the blood. And ran to the candy store fore a bandage. I was so upset when we came there, cause all we got was a little Bamse-plaster. She had been cut deeply of something in the water and all they gave us was a children plaster. Did they really think it would help?
Well, it didn’t. It bleed threw the plaster in no time.
Lucky for us we could call my mum to pick us up.
And she did. We went to a nurse that could clean the wound and dress it. The nurse said that it was okay, and that the wound wasn’t bad. But we have stopped diving in that area. Cause we doesn’t want our hands cut up.

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