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A letter to the Czech Republic

Fredrik Jansson 2008-02-10

Hello my name is Fredde and I live in the south of Sweden in a small village called Torsås. Now I’m going to tell you a few things about Sweden as a country, about where I live and what we use to do around here.
Sweden has got a population of about 9 million people, most of them live from the center part of Sweden and down to the south. In the north there’s a lot of forest but it’s very beautiful up there, with all the lakes, rivers and all these nice mountains. As I said, in the north, there’s a lot of forest. But in the south there’s more open country and there’s almost no mountains at all, but it’s very beautiful. Our capital’s name is Stockholm, it’s located along the east coast in the center of Sweden. Some other big cities we’ve got is Gothenburg, which is along west coast and Malmö, which is also located along the west coast but in the south. That was some information about our country. And now some located fact about Torsås and our spare-time interests: in Torsås, sports like football, floor-ball and shooting air gun is very popular, and also riding mountainbike and motocross. If you want to do more or other sports you can go to Kalmar, which is about 3 Swedish miles from Torsås. There you can find any sport you like, for example martial arts and all other sports.
Torsås and Kalmar is also a very big place for musicians. We’ve got big music-organizations and a lot of bands around here, (I’m in one of them). Even our school is very bounded to music, every year the 7:th, 8:th and 9:th graders have got their own music-show. The show is performed in our cinema here in Torsås. We play a lot of different music-styles and in these shows there is also some acting and some fun stuff going on! It’s a really funny and positive thing for us, and all the parents are coming and watching the show, they do also appreciates it very much! That’s all I’ve got to say about Torsås. And you also got some facts about Sweden as a country. We 9:th graders hope to hear back from you soon!

Keep it up! Bye!


Kommentera Tipsa en vn Skriv ut

1. Hi Europe! Fredrik 9D František 2008-04-03

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