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One special moment

Sara Molin 9D 2008-02-10

One special moment that I remember was when I was seven years old it was Friday 10 December 1990,me and my brother was home with my grandmother and grandfather. My mom was in the hospital because she was pregnant with my little sister Hanna. My mom had spent too days in the hospital because my sister wanted to come out earlier. The day before my sister was born my dad went to the hospital to be with my mom. Me and my brother couldn’t home alone so long so my grandmother and my grandfather came to us. The next day was the 10th December. I remember it so well because my grandmother picked me and my brother up from school. When we walked to our car my grandmother told us that we haved got a little sister that day. I was so happy. I jumped up and down screamed yes, yes I´ve got a sister over the hole schoolyard. I think that my brother and my grandmother were ashamed of me but I think they thought It was funny. The next day me and my brother and my grandmother and grandfather went to the hospital to say hi to mom and dad and course to see my baby sister. When we were in mom´s room we started to talk about names for her. My mom and dad wanted to call her Ebba, but me and my brother wanted that we should call her Hanna. We named her to Hannamy Linnea Molin. One day later my mom and my Hanna leavd the the hospital. We picked them up and went home to Torsås. My sister was so cute and when se became older she started to start and walk. She was grown up so quickly. Today she is 8 years old and gose in the second grade here in Torsås. She thinks it´s so fun in school because she can write , read and do sums. Everybody Says that she is just like me and my mom. But some-times she can be a bit annoying but she is almost nice all the time.

Av: Sara 9d

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