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Hello Europe!

Emil Sjöholm 2008-02-10

My name is Emil and I’m 15 years old. I live in a small town called Bergkvara only five minutes away from Torsås. I play soccer and chess in my sparetime. My best subject in school is Maths.
Our school isn’t so big. We’re about 300 students. School starts at eight O’clock and finishes around 3 P.M. The subjects we learn are:
Maths, Swedish, English, Geography, History, Religion, Civics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Technique, P.E., Art, Home economics, Craft, Music + a third language, Spanish, French or German.
We don’t have to wear school uniforms so we can pick our clothes ourselves.
What subjects do you have in school?

Are you allowed to come to school in your own clothes?

Sweden is a very oblong country with large forests and a lot of lakes. We are nine million people and we love sports. Soccer and floorball are the two most popular sports in this area.
Our standard of living is very good and a lot of immigrants want to live here.
One thing that is very discussed at the moment is the environment. People are starting to think more about it and everybody seem to care. We don’t light light bulbs when it isn’t required, we buy enviornmenthealthy things and tries to drive less and always think if a thing is good for the environment or not.
Poverty in other countries is also well discussed. We send militaries and organizations collect money so we can build schools or give them fresh water everyday.
Swedish kids love soccer, but Swedes are much better in floorball, handball, Winterports and so on. We have won lots of gold medals in the Olympic Games and the world’s championship. The computer is well-used in Sweden. Kids don’t exercise, instead are they sitting in front of the computer and playing CS or WoW. Before were there no computers so the youngsters had to activate themselves and that led to that they weren’t as lazy as we are nowadays.
Is it the same in your country?

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1. Hi Europe Adéla Petříková 2008-04-16

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