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Hi Poland

Gustav Olsson 2008-02-10

Hello my name is Gustav Olsson and I live in Sweden. The name of the little town is Torsås. I play floor ball in a team is called Flyers. In my spare time I play floor ball and play computer and hang out whit my friends. My practice is on Monday at 17.30-19.00 pm and on Wednesday I train at 20.30-21.30pm. My goal is to play in the A-team in Flyers and I want to become a personal trainer or a sport teacher.
How is your climate in Poland?
The climate in Sweden is hot in the summer about 30 degrees and in the winter it is very cold, it can be about 10-15 minus degrees, is it very cold I think.

The teenagers discuss about many different things. They can talk about sport, music and sometimes then talk about famous idols and sometimes they talk about nothing special.
Sweden has some famous people. We Henrik Zetterberg, Christian Olsson and Stefan Holm etc. Does Poland have some famous people?

Henrik Zetterberg is a famous hockey player in NHL. I think that he plays in Detroit and he is right forward. And he is on the top10 list. He has the most points In NHL.

Christian Olsson competes in triple jump and he is the best man in the world.

Stefan Holm is a high jumper and I think that he is the best man in the world too. I think that he jumps 2.34m.

We had very fertile mark so we can grow potatoes and lettuces in Sweden.

Some question now
1. How much people live in Poland?
2. It your school how many teenagers go in there?
3. and it is more boys and girls or more girls and boys?

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