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One moment in life

Elisabeth Birgersson 2008-02-10

I was five years old . I remember it so well. It was on a Friday and it was summer. It was on the afternoon. My family was at home. My sister had a friend at home. My sister and her friend was upstairs playing with my sisters dollhouse. They decided to go out on a picnic. They had fruit drink and buns in a picnic basket. I wanted to play with them and I wanted to go out and have picnic with them. I couldn’t do it because my sister didn’t wanted that. I stood and locked out through the window when they walked out. I was angry with Malin. My mum and dada told me that we could have picnic we three. But I didn’t want that. I ran out and run after them. I ran and ran until I fall to the ground. I had my pink overall. I cried and cried. I was dirty and I was bleeding on my knee and arms. I still have scar from that on my knee. My mum ran out and took me inside. My dad put me on the table and he put a cook hat on his head. And playing a doctor. Then I was leafing really match

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