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Monty Python

Tobbe & Jimmy 2008-03-09

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of the best comedy movies I’ve ever seen. It is a very sick humour but I like that kind of humour because they don’t use much computer effects. They are professional but they like to make their humour so it looks like they are amateurs. In one scene the knights think they fight against a rabbit but it is a man-eating rabbit. So to defeat it they need to throw a holy hand-grenade on it. And they are joking about the teller of the story and the maker of the film too. One song they have done is “always look on the bright side of life” and it is very famous song. 3 // Tobbe Monty Python and the Holy Grail is about the knights around the round table (Knights of Camelot) They’ve got an quest from god to find the holy-grail and their weird adventure begins. The knights comes to a castle to “the French knights” and the knights of Camelot asks them to join their adventure to find the holy-grail but the “French knights” just arguing and the shoot out a cow in a catapult and land on Arthur’s made assistant of horse with coconuts. After that the build a big rabbit as in the movie “Troy, but they build a horse”. But they’re not in it because they’ve forgotten to go in it. In the end of the movie when the knights of Camelot have come to the end of their adventure they meet the “French knights” again but when they start the attack the polis (in new time) comes and arrests all of the knights of Camelot for their murder of the teller of the movie. // Jimmy

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