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Children of Bodom & Bullet for my Valentine

Fredrik 9D 2008-06-04

I’m going to compare a band called Children of Bodom with a band called Bullet for my Valentine.

Bullet for my valentine

Almost everyone who doesn’t listen to heavy-rock, metal core etc. believes that this kind of music is the same. But that’s not true, you really have to be interested in this music to understand it.
Bullet for my valentine lasts by four members:
Matt Tuck – lead vocals and rhythm-guitar.
Michael Paget – lead-guitar.
Jason James – backroundvocals and bass guitar.
Michael Thomas – drums.

Those guys got together as a band in 1998, they lived in the same town in Whales. There first band name was “Jeff killed John” and they started to play covers from bands such as: Metallica and Nirvana. These bands were there biggest inspiration. Nowadays they base their songs from a style simply called: Metalcore, this style is a melodic version of deathmetal.
After a few years playing big live concerts, a record-company called Roadrunner-records made a deal with the guys from BFMV and they got to record their first studio-album. The name of their first studio-album was “The Poison” and it was released in 2006. BFMV got the Kerrang Awards prize due to their music and for “being the greatest new British band”, this happened in 2005. The vocal-work and the lyrics in their songs are very rough and the contain is mostly about bullying, being bullied and their ballads is mostly about love, for example: Tears don’t fall and Hearts burst into fire.
Now, these things are the basic things you should know about Bullet for my Valentine.

Children of Bodom

Children of Bodom separates a bit from Bullet for my Valentine, but for the untrained ear they sound almost the same. These guys come from a town in Finland called Esbo. They were grounded in 1993 and in the world of rock they are the masters of melodic death-metal. They got their name from a sea called Lake bodom. There were three murders around the lake in the early 60:s, and it was said that the killer’s ghost or his evil friends still were around the lake and searching for new victims. So one day in the early 90:s the band members went down to the lake. They stayed there during a night in a tent. Nothing happened during the night, they survived and they were kind of proud since they had survived the night. You se, all the victims were young people like the guys of Children of bodom, who just wanted to take a night off and go down to the lake and just relax and camp. The band members were the only ones that survived a night down by the lake after all the murders, and they were also the only ones that camped at the lake after all the murders. And after that they started to call themselves “Children of bodom”. Right before they changed their name they called themselves “Inhearted”. They had to change their name to be able to record their first album.
The lineup of the band:
Alexi Laiho – lead vocals and lead guitar.
Roope Latvala – second guitar.
Henri Seppälä – bass guitar.
Janne Wirman – keyboards.
Jaska Raatikainen – drums.
Children of bodom was contacted by Spinefarm Records, they wanted the guys to record their first studio album. The album went under the name: Something Wild, this album was released in 1997. And Children of Bodom got to go on tours with very big band and famous musicians.
Children of Bodom base their songs with a lot of melodic guitar playing and keyboard playing, the keyboard makes the music sound very dangerous.
The lyrics of their songs are mostly based on: life, death and hate. Children of bodom recently released their latest album, the singer and the lead guitarist Alexi Laiho says that this album contains even more melodic sound and that he felt kind of aggressive while writing the lyrics, so the lyrics are very rough.

So, Bullet for my Valentine and Children of Bodom separates a bit from each other, they use different kinds of lyrics and the sound of the tracks separates a lot to. Me myself believe that those guys are awesome musicians and I hope I’ll be able to reach the same level as they’ve done.
I’m going to keep on playing music and take all the big opportunities I’ll be able to take to reach their level. Music is my life!

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2. skillnader Anonym 2008-06-18
1. !!! Kungen 2008-06-04

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