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My Dream School

Tim Svensson 2010-05-10

My essay.

My Dream School

My dream school is a nice, clean school. It would be kind of cool if it was built in a modern way, with a lot of glass walls and with angled roof. The most important thing is that the classrooms are clean, not messy as they are here.

New modern equipment is a must. If everyone got a computer when they start school then the teachers could use computer more than the white board. And after 9th grade you could keep the computer, if you pass all subjects. I think you should just have two subjects a day but with longer lessons. For example, English starts at 8 am and finishes at 11:45 am, with some breaks of course and then lunch. After lunch there is another subject until you finishes for the day. If it would be this way you could just focus on one subject at a time, not five like it is now. Because some people find it very hard to focus on so many subjects.

I think that if the students respect the teacher then the teacher would respect the students back. It’s a give and take situation. If both parts respect each other it would be a good learning environment.

And about homework, I think that at each lesson you should have to finish a certain amount of work. If you are done, fine no homework, but if you doesn’t you get to finish the rest at home. This would make the students study properly. This is my dream school.

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