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Musicshow 2010

Mikaela Gustavsson 2010-05-30

A wonderful experience on stage.

It was the 18:th of May. The weather was great and the sky was blue. It was time for the students’ musical show 2010. We had practised the whole year, so we were prepared to do a fantastic show. We practised the whole day until it was time for the first show. We were waiting while all the sixth graders, took their places in the auditorium. When all the kids sat in their places, it was time for us to go out and show them all that we had learnt. In the beginning I was a little nervous, but after my first solo, it was just exiting and exhilarating.

When all the kids had gone, it was time for Lunch. We had a one hour-long break, before it was time to rehearse again. We knew that we had to make a much better show in the evening. When the clock turned five, people had already started to come. It felt like butterflies in my stomach, and I was really nervous. We heard the people talk, and then it was time to go out on the stage. I knew I had one number before it was time for my solo, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I took the microphone and the music started to play. I felt how my tongue stuck in my mouth, and I just couldn’t sing. It was then I remembered, I love to stand on the stage, why be afraid?
I started to sing, and I loved it! I just loved to stand on the stage, being what I wanted to be, and everyone liked it. It was like I was dreaming and I didn’t wake up. Oh, well not until the audience started to shout and clap their hands that I realized that it was real. I wasn’t dreaming.
This night was the night of my dreams and the best present I’ve ever got. My dream had come true, and I know that I will do it again, somewhere, sometimes.

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