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Anti-binge drinking


I disagree with binge drinking because, firstly, lots of people have died from drinking a lot of alcohol in a short time. Secondly, if you continually drink throughout your life then your liver will fail. Thirdly after you drink you get sick. Finally, you might do something you might regret later on.

Firstly, heaps of people have died from drinking a lot of alcohol in a short period of time. This is called binge drinking.

Secondly, if you continue to binge drink throughout your life than your liver will fail. Most of liver transplants today have been for people who are heavy drinkers.

Thirdly, after you drink a lot of alcohol (as most drinkers have noticed!) you get sick, some people call it a hangover. It involves vomiting (sometimes), and a headache. From what I have seen of people having a hangover it is terribly uncomfortable and it hurts a lot.

Finally, You might act stupid when you are drunk. Someone me, and my family know is only 22 years old and one night he was really drunk, he and his friend decided that they were going to go for a walk. Whilst they were walking (staggering) our friend accidentally put his hand (arm) through a window, cutting all the tendons in his arm. He nearly died that night from blood loss, now he can’t use his arm and the doctor’s are not sure that he will ever regain full use of his arm again.

For the reasons above I believe that no one should binge drink no matter what his or her age is. When you go out with your friends just think twice before you start to binge drink because it is killing you very slowly.

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