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The kite runner

Student grade 9 2011-03-17 creative commons by Nemodus photos creative commons by Nemodus photos

The story is based on a novel, written by Khaled Hosseini. Marc Forster directed the movie. It’s a drama and the movie was made in Afghanistan and in the USA. I think it's a good movie, it's touching and you can learn things from it. The one thing I learned, is that you should always keep your loved ones close, because you never know when you might lose them. This happened to Amir and Hassan. They lived in peaceful Kabul, they always spent time together, either flying their kites or reading books.

The movie was shot in streets of Kabul and Amir’s home. But as in every story, there is evil. A violent and older boy called Assef, teases Amir because he’s friends with a Hazara. According to Assef, a Hazara is an inferior race. Assef prepares to beat Amir up, but Hassan defends him, threatening to shot Assef’s eye out. Assef backs off but swears to get his revenge. Hassan lives with Amir, he’s the son of Ali, Amir’s father’s servant. Amir’s father, Baba, blames Amir for his mother’s death, she died after she gave birth to Amir.

Amir is very interested in writing, but his father doesn’t really support it. Instead, his father’s best friend does, Rahim Khan. He understands Amir better and encourages him.

As I mentioned earlier, Amir and Hassan entertain themselves with kite fighting. For Amir, Hassan is a successful kite runner, because he knows where the kite will land without looking at it. One day, Amir wins the local kite-tournament. Baba's thrilled with him. Hassan promises Amir that he will find the last cut kite, unfortunately Hassan runs into Assef and his friends. What happened to him, will be something he'll never forget. Also, Amir won't forget it either. He went to find Hassan, but heard Assef's voice and got scared and hid.

Neither of the boys tell their fathers about what happened. Hassan is too ashamed, and so is Amir. He is filled with guilt for not being able to help Hassan. And he also assumed that if Baba knew about his cowardice, his love for Hassan would increase and he would never look at Amir again. Because of what happened, Amir can't enjoy nor his birthday or his gifts. The only things he likes is the notebook to write his stories in, which he got from Rahim Khan.

Amir thought that if Hassan was gone, his life would have been easier. He felt that when Hassan was around, he was only reminded of his betrayal. So Amir sets him up, he puts a watch underneath his mattress in hopes that Baba will make both Hassan and his father leave. Hassan falsely confesses to Baba that he stole it, but is forgiven right away. Hassan and his father leave anyway, but Amir still has trouble with the guilt he feels.

A couple years later, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. Amir and his father manages to escape to Pakistan, and then to California. They move into an apartment and Baba begins working at a gas station. Amir graduates from high school when he's 20 years old. Every sunday, Baba and Amir make extra money at a market. There, Amir meets Soraya and her family. Soraya's father is General Taheri, once a officer in Afghanistan. The two families get to know eachother and before they know it, Baba becomes sick. Amir wonders if he is capable of doing a favor, asking Soraya's father's permission for Amir to marry her.

One day, Amir recieves a phone call from Rahim Khan, who is dying from a disease. He asks Amir to come to Pakistan. Once there, he learns the fates of Ali and Hassan.

Main characters: One of the main characters is Amir. He secretly believes that his father blames him for his mothers death. As a boy, Amir enjoyed storytelling and kite running. I think that Baba is critical of Amir for not being manly enough and not being able to defend himself.

The other main character is Hassan. He is Amir's closest childhood friend. His first word was "Amir". I believe that Hassan is a really good person, he always watched out for Amir. Always wanted to make sure that he was alright. What happened to a good person like Hassan, is really sad. Hassan is a Hazara. Hazara people have been guided by the dominant ethnic groups in this region for centuries.

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