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My opinion about plastic surgeries

Mikaela Gustavsson 2011-11-20

You always have to think before doing it, and it ay not turn out the way you imagined it from the beginning. But this is only my opinion, go on make your own!

Everyday we see all those beautiful persons on TV& in movies and on pictures. This makes us want to look like them, but why? Do you really want to look everyone else? I think that's just bullshit! You are beautiful exactly the way you are, so why change it? Some people don't think like e and they do all those operations that make us look "hot". A great example of that is Kissie. She did those big boobs and lips and now she looks like plastic in her face. I don't say that every sort of plastic surgery's wrong, but if you do like her it's wrong. The only time I think plastic surgery is okay is when you've been in for example a fire and burned your face and you want it to look almost like before. Do you really want to do this?
First of all it’s really expensive, instead of doing that you can give the money to the poor ones, secondly it may not be as you imagined and finally do you really want that unnatural look? If you are okay with those things go ahead and do it, but think before doing it.
This was y opinion about plastic surgeries.

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