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Plastic surgery and Cosmetic surgery

Felicia Karlsson 2011-11-20

I think plastic surgery is okay. Like if you have been in a fire and your face has been burned. Or if you were born with one big ear and one smaller ear. Then I think it's okay.

Cosmetic surgery is unnecessary. If you already look good and you think you have to small lips, then it's not okay to do them bigger.
The money they would spend on it could give food or medicin for the poor people in Africa, and I think it's more important to save lives than having a smaller nose.

Even if the doctors have an education, it’s not sure that everything goes as it should do. It can go wrong or maybe it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted.

Eventough that I can understand that people do it. If you’re not pleased with your appearance and having a cosmetic surgery would make you happier, then I would say that it would be okay.

I wouldn’t do it in the first place. But if I would have been really rich, then I would probably make my face smaller.

Those are my opinions on plastic- and cosmetic surgery.

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