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Party ended up with car crash!

Rebecka Gustafsson 2012-03-08

A 16-year-old girl throwed a party for her 16th birthday when her parents was away. She invited some people she thought she knew. It ended up with a stolen car, £70 and a purse.

Last Saturday night 16-year-old Chrissie throwed a party for her 16th birthday when her parents were away for a couple of nights. A friend to a friends asked if she could bring a guy. Chrissie said yes because she thought she knew him, but when he showed up she realized she didn’t.

In the middle of the party Chrissie went upstairs and saw some guys going through her sister´s things. Chrissie panicked and screamed to the guys that they should leave, but they just shoved her and ran downstairs. She caught him but he said he hadn’t taken anything so they ran off and Chrissie went back upstairs. When she was upstairs she noticed that her sister´s Prada purse and sunglasses were missing with her camera some CDs and £70 from her purse.

The day after her parents came home and her mum noticed that her sister´s car keys were missing, so Chrissie decided to not tell them about her party. She thought she could find them by her own.

The next day her dad woke her up and said the car has vanished. A few hours later the car was found crashed.

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