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Gatecrashers in town

sandra karlsson 2012-03-08

In Saturdays knight a car found crashed in the wood near the town. Chrissie an 16 year old girl had a party and some uninvited people came and visit.

Chrissie wanted to have a party but she didn’t tell her parents who were gone for a couple of nights. She thought she know the guys but she had wrong.
Chrissie didn’t wanted to go panic just because they came so she told them that the party was over and they went out. After ten minutes Chrissie went upstairs and saw that her big sister’s rooms door was open, she went in and checked then she saw the guy going throw all her stuff. She flew over him but he was clean. When the guys were gone she notice that he had took her sisters purse and Chrissies camera.
The next day when her parents came home her mother saw that her sisters car keys were gone and the new car to! Her parents called the police and after some hours they found the car crashed in the wood.
The police never caught the boy’s gang and Chrissie had to tell her parents about the unknown party.

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