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Thoughts about the Asian disaster

Therese 2005-03-01

When I first saw it on TV I didn’t understand the situation, I didn’t realize how bad it was. I didn’t thought that the wave could destroy so much and kill so many people. But when they started to show video films and pictures (on) in every news (time) programmes and even took in extra news just because of this, I began to be a little bit worried because a friend of mine was in Thailand with her family over Christmas. Then I found out that she and her family were okay. Happily I didn’t know anyone else who was in Asia at this time. I feel very sorry for the people live there. All boats and fishing tackles are gone so how are they going to get some food? I saw on TV that is was women that had lost their husbands and their houses and boats. They didn’t know what to do!
My neighbor worked whit a man who went to Bhuket with his four children, his wife and his mother in law. It was only two children that came home. I don’t know where they come from but I think it was in Malmö.
And my aunt is working with a man whose daughters are missing. It’s those two sisters that are missing in Kalmar.

To help people who are involved and hurt we need to listen. Most of them are probably in shock and maybe don’t want to talk about it at all, but if they do you should be there and support them. I’ve heard that in Asia where they had s tent there volunteers from different countries came and helped the exposed. Someone came and asked for the Swedish people and a man said that they had gone inside because it was to too hot outside. When they knocked at the Swedish peoples door nobody opened. They had gone home for the day, they thought when their work day is over, they had finished the job, but the people need help twenty four hours a day. It must be more volunteers to help people, they needed it the day after the accident.
The people that ordered a trip to somewhere in Asia shouldn’t cancel, they should go there because that is the best thing we can do for the people.

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