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Injustice around us

Frida 2005-03-01

Why fight when it´s easier to be friends. Why do the hard-working people take all shit when all the politicians take the good bit. I read in a newspaper that the Red-cross take a big part of the money they collected, but not in the Asian disaster. I hope that the money the collected to the Asian disaster is going right to Asian. Think at all that people that lost everything they have: their homes, jobs, friends, money, parents, animals everything. Can you even image how it is to start from nowhere and build up your life without any help just because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I have borrowed a book from the library. It´s about teenagers all around the world. It was a man in USA that where hanging out with some other guys, they drunk alcohol and took drugs. One of these three guys got an idea, they wanted to kill some man for being so snobbish. It was night and they took the car. After a while the man changed his mind and wanted to go back but the other guys were pushing him. They got into the house and killed the man that they could but the leader kill the man not this guy I’m talking about. The police got them and the guy who killed got away from jail because he was son of some judge. The man that didn’t kill was punished to dead for something he hadn’t done. That is unfair but people from the outside where caring about him and they got he to sit in jail for 30 year. We need more people like that.

More people should support “Greenpeace”. It’s an organisation that works for the world. They want to save the rainforest and the whales and much more.

But I think more people should think about the animals. Too many animals just live a bad life. People only care about their own lives not about others. People are so selfish. Right now an animal have been killed just because people don’t care. In USA I know two organisations that works for the animals. They usually show a programme about it on Fridays at nine o’clock. They really show how bad it really is. They are trying to catch animalcollecter. They want to stop the dogfights because it’s the dogs that take the bad things. In dogfights usually they use Pit-bullterrier. But the dogs are really great if you treat them like a dog not like a machine.

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