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The Asian Disaster

Sabina 2005-03-01

The Asian disaster.

Sunday December 26 was a day many people will remember with sorrow.

When I first heard about the big wave in Asia I didn’t think it was a so big disaster, things like this happen down there fairly often.
But I didn’t now that it first was a big earthquake in the ocean that shook all around the Indian Ocean.
Big waves washed the countries and many islands got complete clear because of the waves.

Many people have no home to day, any food or water, many children have lost their parents or another person in the family.
Also many parents have lost their children and so.
Many tourists are also gone maybe they are dead maybe they are just missing. Many people have gone home without their mum ore maybe a brother.

When I saw on TV one evening, they showed a small village, where many things were gone many people were dead and missing.
People were looking on the beach after things that the ocean washed up, some of them looked for missing people and maybe things that one time had belonged them.
There was a little girl I remember she had survived because she had been in school when the tsunamis came but her house were gone now.
And so were her mother and sister. The little girl was only maybe eight or nine years old; she didn’t understand what had happened. Her house ore where her mum ore sister was. She didn’t know that a big wave had destroyed her village and that the wave probably has killed her mum and sister.
The little girl is still waiting that her mum and sister will come home again.

I don’t think nobody can understand what had happened down there,
it must have been a real hell for all the people.
More than 155 000 people are dead and many people are also still missing maybe they never will find them again. Think if your mum or sister is gone,
and you have no idea where they are, if they are alive, or dead, you don’t now anything. It must feel very hard for them.
What a terrible Christmas, It could not have been more terrible than it was.
People went down with families and friends to celebrate Christmas and have it nice in the paradise but it went so wrong.
No one can ever understand this.

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