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Johanna 2005-05-10

I think pollution is one great global issue. If our world isn’t clean, we can’t live in it. I don’t think people around the world know what they can do. Many say “I can’t do anything anyway” or “I don’t care”.

What if we one day run out of fresh water or oxygen…
Our nature is the most important thing we have. We have to take better care of our planet so that our children and grandchildren and so on, can live well in the future like we do. The pollution of water and air is something we have to do something about. Very soon.
I newly read that 11 people in Sweden died of pollution from cars last year. Cars! I didn’t even know that you could die of that. And if 11 died here, how many died in other countries?
Everyone can do something to help the nature a bit. Stop travelling moped to school for example. Cycle or go by bus is better.
Do you sort your refuse trash at home? If not, start to do it.
But then we have the real criminals. Companies that are polluting the water should be arrested.
It’s of course a lot of money involved as well… But I’ve got an idea.
Why do we seek life on other planets when we can’t take care of our own? Why do we spend billions of dollars on spacecraft when the money could go to save our nature or help poor people?
I don’t know what you think but I think that saving our lives is more important than see if there’s life on Mars…
And it’s just not pollution that destroys the nature, it’s more.
Humans are cutting down the rainforests and are hunting several animal species to extinction!
In the future, can our children pick flowers outside, bath in the sea or walk on the grass without shoes?
We decide that! What do you choose?

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