Josipa Fako 8b 2006-01-19

We live in a time of high technology. It's everywhere around us. As a result, almost everybody has a computer or a laptop, but a mobile phone has really everybody I know and don't know at all. People say mobile phones make business and communication more progressive and easier to organize. That's right, but I know people who are very poor and depend on social help and they have a mobile phone and have money to spend on it.

Everyboday has a mob. phone

In my family everybody has a mob. phone. All my friends have it, too. Is it easier to call or to stare into the small screen and type an SMS? It's cheaper to send a message. On the other hand, when we communicate via SMS we lose close relationships with each other. Even when we have a talk to somebody, I noticed, we don't look at her or his eyes. Yes, it would be nicer if people could spend more time together – without mobile phones. When I'm with my friends somebody always talks on it or sends an SMS. I think that's not very polite.

Also useful

In spite of all I've mentioned before, mobile phones are also very useful. We often find ourselves in a situation when we need to get in touch with somebody immediately. Or we need something urgently. Then a mobile phone has its purpose. But, if you don't have money, you can throw it away.

What about us?

Finally, to conclude: business people need mobile phones. What about us, the teenagers? Isn't it more exciting to get a birthday or a Christmas card in your mail box than a stupid SMS?

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