Chatting for learning

Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-03-02


Students of IGK, Slavonski Brod, Croatia and students from, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden (Torskolan) had a chat about learning the English language.

Croatia : Now, let's students talk, do you agree? Monika and Mia will ask the first question.

RUSSIA : Hello, Monica and Mia!

Ukraine : Our names are Oksana, Anna and Myroslava. We are from Ukraine , gymnasium 5.

Croatia : How old are you all?

Sweden : I' m 13 and I am going to be 14 on 27 January

Ukraine : We are 12. And Anna is 13.

Croatia : I(Mia) am 13, and Monica is 14
Do you think you are good at English?

Ukraine : Yes, we all are good at English. And you?

Sweden : Yes, I think so.

Croatia : Great. What about others? We are very good, too thought it is very hard.

RUSSIA : I can't say that I'm good at English, I study it for 1,5 year only

Croatia : Well, you are talking very well.

Ukraine : Dear friends, we are terribly sorry but our time is over. We have to go. Thank you for the wonderful communication. Good bye.

annjo : I think that my students are very good at English. Nowadays they learn a lot from TV, music etc.

Croatia : What do you usually do for your English homework. We usually have some mind maps to do or some activities. Our next homework is about Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sweden : We often get words to learn or a text to read

Croatia : Do you often have English tests?

Sweden : I don't think so. And you?

Croatia : We have three huge tests in a year, and many short ones.
Do you write essays, make PowerPoint presentations, acrostic poems?

RUSSIA : We don't write acrostic poems. We write essays on extra English and presentations too.

Croatia : What text books do you use? We use Snapshot.

RUSSIA : Opportunities

Sweden : Our text book is called GoodStuff

Croatia : Do you carry dictionary to your English classes?

RUSSIA : Many students carry. And you?

Sweden : No I don't. But we have a wordlist back in our book.
How many times a week do you have English?

Croatia : Always. Our teacher wants us to look for new vocabulary by ourselves because she sais we will remember the words better.
Two or three times a week.

Sweden : ok. We have it 2 times a week

RUSSIA : As I know, some of students don't like to see words and prefer teachers for saying it

Sweden : And you can chose it on option time

Croatia : How do you learn English at school: in a group, independently or with your peer?

RUSSIA : It depends on teacher

Sweden : Same here

RUSSIA : And you in Croatia ?

Croatia : We learn in groups... The chatting was great! We have to go now. Thank you all, see you soon!
annjo : Thanks a lot for letting us taken part in this chat, I hope that our newly started cooperation will go on and make more students (than you Sahara) involved in it. Well done Sarah and thanks a lot to all of you.

RUSSIA : Thanks for chat. It's our 3d experience to chat with Croatia . We hope that we will speak more!
Dear Mrs Baricevic, thank you for interesting chat. I like to learn about your standard on the site. Do you like it yourself?

Croatia : I hope so, too. Thank you, Ann-Christin, thank you Milana! It was great. Wish me luck at the seminar next week.

annjo : Of course we do. Where is it?

Croatia : Thank you, Sarah! We invite you to come to Croatia !

Sweden : Thank you !

RUSSIA : We wish you luck in seminar!

Croatia : I enjoy in English standard, this is something I've been waiting for a long time to come to Croatia . Thank you for this wonderful experience, we'll stay in touch! Take care and bye!

Kommentera Tipsa en vn Skriv ut

1. Yeah! Andreas Sunnerhage 2006-03-09

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