Class 7B´s answers

Ann-Christin Johansson 2006-04-26

Hi Ian! We are 28 students in our class 7B (14 girls and 14 boys). They have answered you questions and the answers are below.

1. Do you know where New Zealand is? All of them

2. Do you attend a school camp each year? No

3. How many of your students know what the Capital City of New Zealand is? 5

4. Do you know what a Kiwi is? 10 of them if you mean a bird. But I have heard that you call yourself Kiwis. Am I right?

5. Do you know who Sir Edmond Hillary is? None

6. Do you know what the national sport of New Zealand is? None

7. How many know what the All Blacks are? None

8. Do you know how many stars are on our flag and what they mean? No

9. Sir Earnest Rutherford was famous for splitting the Atom. Did you know he was a New Zealander? No

10. Do you know a famous movie director from New Zealand? No

11. Who knows that the Lord of the Rings movies were made in New Zealand? Nearly all of them

12. Who knows what our Tallest Mountain is? No

13. What country is closest to New Zealand? Many of them guessed Australia

14. What are New Zealand’s indigenous people called? None, but now they know it because all of them have read a fact sheet about NZ

In New Zealand we say: Hi or hello or we also use a Maori word: Kia Ora In Sweden we say Hej

Hej då (=bye,bye)

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